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News: SecuBox 1.4.2 released.

SecuBox provides on-the-fly encryption of sensitive data stored on Windows Mobile PDAs, smartphones and their removable cards.SecuBox creates an encrypted volume that looks and feels like a PDA memory card. Data written to this card is transparently encrypted with AES 256-bit algorithm. SecuBox prevents data theft even if the device is lost or stolen.

With its seamless integration into day-to-day routines, SecuBox becomes an optimal choice for busy professionals who need efficient solution to their mobile security needs. Encryption key backup, file wiping compliant with the U.S. DoD 5220.22-M specifications, command line support and many other features will satisfy corporate environments and more demanding users.

Supported Operating Systems:
Windows Mobile 6.0/5.0, Pocket PC 2000/2002, Windows Mobile 2002/2003/2003SE/2005, Windows CE 3.0/4.0/4.1/4.2/5.0/5.2
Windows Mobile 6 Standard, 5.0 Smartphone, 2003 SE Smartphone, 2003 Smartphone, Smartphone 2002

Supported Pam devices: Treo 700w, Treo 700wx, Treo 750 (Palm Lennon), Treo 750v (Palm Lennon)
Palm: Palm Treo 500v (Palm Otto)

More information is available at
Free trial download at

For more information and review copies contact Irina Oltu at [email protected]

Posted by tim_palmzone on Sun, Apr 27, 2008

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