MobileWeb's is a comprehensive mobile site index covering Entertainment, Finance, News, Portals, Reference, Shopping, Sports, Travel, PDA's, and more.
You can view this page from any mobile device, including Palm PDA's, Pocket PC's, smartphones, and even regular cell phones with browsers.
MobileWeb PQA
The MobileWeb PQA is a special Palm Web Clipping (WCA or PQA) application that can be used to access MobileWeb from an older Palm OS 4 PDA, such as the Palm i705, Palm VII, Palm V, etc.
The current version is 1.6 and is dated 11/17/02.
The MobileWeb PQA can be downloaded to your Desktop computer or installed directly to your wireless Palm device (OS 4 Only). This PQA is only about 3kb.
More Mobile Content from
You might also be interested in our News Page. It is fully integrated into, but if you'd like to go directly to the PDA News you can.
If you are running an older Palm OS 4 device that does not have an internet browser, such as the Palm i705, Palm V, etc. then you can use the PdaNews PQA.
For Palm news, software, tips, and more information accessible from either your wireless device or your desktop browser, be sure to check out the site by accessing this site via your mobile device. The site senses mobile browsers and serves up PDA-friendly content.