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Personal Information Mgt (PIM) Tips

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To-Do List (The Franklin-Covey Method)

Setup categories similar to this:

  • A=High Priority Daytime stuff (mostly work, but also personal stuff you have to do during the day)
  • B=High Priority Night/Weekend stuff (mostly personal, but work stuff you do at home as well)
  • C=Long-range Work stuff (Like FC "Master Task List")
  • D=Long-range Personal stuff (Also Master Task List)

For any task you don't want to worry about today, set the due date to something in the future OR at least put it in category C or D reflecting that its not a current day's task.

Then within each level (A/B/C/D), you can use 1,2,3,4,5 to be a relative ranking. Thus A1 is high-priority stuff for work that needs to get done today. A2 *should* get done, etc. similar to FC methodology.

Put a bullet mark at the end of the task description to denote FC "in progress". i.e. if you sent someone an e-mail or left them a voice message or whatever. Then you can visually move down to the next completely unstarted task and know which ones to go back to for completion later.

Put an "x" at the end of the task description to denote a task you are skipping but don't want to physically delete it from Outlook.

For recurring tasks, key them into Outlook on the desktop not in to the Palm (the Palm To-Do list doesn't have this functionality built in). Whenever you sync to Outlook, it will put the next copy of the recurring task on your Palm. If you want to skip an occurrence on your Palm, put an "x" next to the description and mark it complete. This will remind you that you skipped it and won't delete the whole series from Outlook.

T3/TE/Z21 "Enhanced PIM" Tips

  • Use Colorized Categories in Datebook so you can see what appointments are what in the Week View and Month Views.
  • The new Task List will not display "only due items". This means when viewing a particular category or all tasks, you see tasks that aren't even due yet. The only thing you can really do to deal with this is to set due dates for all your tasks you want to see at the current time and use the "Due Last 7 Days" view. If you are often more than a week behind on certain tasks, be sure to periodically check the number of "Past Due" items and make sure its less than the number of "Due Last 7 Days" tasks. If not, then you need to reset the due date on the really only tasks.

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Published on: 2006-07-04 (22239 reads)
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