PDA Guide Selection: Current Specialized Models [ Guide Home | Go Back | View All Current Models | Current PDA's Only | Current Smartphones Only | Current Specialized Only ] [ List All Models | List PDA's Only | List Smartphones Only | List Specialized Only ] Sort by Model Name (A/D) Date (A/D) OS (A/D) RAM (A/D) Screen (A/D) Score (A/D) Views (A/D) Models currently sorted by Os Descending (decreasing) Sony CLIE VZ90� VZ90 Available; Released 2004-09-25; Palm OS 5.2.1; 40 MB RAM; Screen 480 x 320 Color; Wi-Fi
The Sony CLIE VZ90 has an interesting form-factor. It is a tablet disign. It is larger than the Sony CLIE UX50 and uses a slider design. This is not like the slider on the palmOne Tungsten T3, but rather a set of controls that slides out from underneath the display.
It has a 480-by-320-pixel display, 3.8" diagonal; Palm Garnet (OS 5.2.1 Japanese version); 128 MHz Sony Handheld Engine
64 MB of RAM, 40 MB available to the user; 128 MB of ROM, 95 MB available to the user; Compact Flash II Slot (handles both memory cards and peripherals); Sony Memory Stick PRO slot; and built-in Wi-Fi (no Bluetooth).
The Sony CLIE VZ90 is only available in Japan. Read our article Sony VZ90 Japan-Only Palm OS PDA for more information. [ Detailed Specs | My VZ90 Page ]
Aceeca Meazura MEZ1000� Meazura, MEZ1000 Available; Released 2003-05-06; Palm OS 4.2; 16 MB RAM; Screen 0 x 0 Grayscale
The Meazura� Rugged Digital Assistant (RDA) combines the
flexibility of the Palm OS� with rugged durability. Built to IP67 standards, the
Meazura� RDA is completely resistant to dust ingress, and is the world's first
waterproof (not just resistant) Palm Powered� device. The Meazura� RDA is the
perfect solution for users that need powerful computing performance regardless
of their working environment.
- Operating System: Currently Palm OS� 4.1.2
- Microprocessor: Currently 33MHz Motorola DragonBall-VZ
- Memory: 16MB SDRAM, 4MB Flash (Expansion capable)
- Display: 160 x 160 pixels, 4bit grayscale
- Communications: USB, Serial and IrDA (wireless options available
- Expansion Slot: MZIO� 68 pin - multi format support
- Battery: 1900mAh Li-Ion
- Dimensions: 169.5mm (L) x 94mm (W) x 35mm (H)
- Weight: 430gm
- Sealed to IP67 standards
[ Detailed Specs | My Meazura MEZ1000 Page | Meazura Product Page ]
AlphaSmart Dana Wireless�
Available; Released 2003-08-18; Palm OS 4.1.2; 16 MB RAM; Screen 160 x 560 Grayscale; Wi-Fi
The AlphaSmart Dana Wireless is a laptop alternative for students that runs Palm OS. It has a wide display and a full keyboard. The Dana Wireless features Wi-Fi (802.11) and infrared connectivity, two SD/MMC expansion slots, a rechargeable battery and a USB HotSync cable. Graffiti can also be used directly on the screen and a lot of bonus software is included. There is also a cheaper Dana (Original) version that excludes the Wi-Fi connectivity and has less memory. [ Detailed Specs | My Dana Wireless Page | Dana-W Product Page ]
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