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Centro Sync to ACT 2006 wit ACT for Palm OS 2.0
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Joined: Jan 01, 2004
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Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 4:14 pm    Post subject: Centro Sync to ACT 2006 wit ACT for Palm OS 2.0

I recently purchased a Centro and besides the poor battery life, I'm enjoying not having to carry around my Palm TX and my old Motorola Sliver cell phone.
I use ACT 2006 and the ACT for Palm OS 2.0 software to sync ACT to the Palm. My main problem right now is that I cannot dial phone numbers from ACT. Does any one know if this is possible. When I click on a phone number in ACT, there is an indication that dialing is suppose to be happening but it does not. I can dial no problem using Palm contacts but those contacts and ACT and Palm need to be manually sync'd by importing and exporting *.csv files and prefer to use ACT because I like its calendar. If anyone has some advice about how to make make the Palm be able to dial numbers in ACT, I would be very happy. Also, I'm interested in be able to autosync Palm contacts with ACT contacts and vice versa.

Thanks in advance,

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Posted: Fri May 16, 2008 3:48 pm    Post subject:

Hi videocheez,

I'm experiencing the same issue with the programs. One thing that does confuse/concern me about the version of ACT! you are running on your Centro is that the only version of ACT! for Palm that is compatible with ACT! 2006 and above is the version called "ACT! for Palm OS" (Version 8.x.x.xx), with the newest version called "ACT! for Palm OS 3.0" Any previous version will cause problems with your Palm device.

I currently am running ACT! 2006 with the ACT! for Palm OS product on a Treo 680 and have recently had the same issue come up. It seems that the most recent update to my cellular carrier's software messed up the dialing capability of the ACT! product on my device. My carrier is AT&T, so if you have the same carrier as me, you might be experiencing an issue with the upgraded (newest) phone software not being completely compatible with the ACT! product. Everything worked perfectly before the last AT&T software update. Unfortunately, since the time ACT! was purchased and supported by Sage, the support has gone to hell. The previous company used to offer software updates for issues like these, but Sage's answer is to try and convince you every 3-6 months that the newest version of software is 10 times better than what you just purchased - instead of offering software updates for products you purchased from them. Not a great philosophy - and is causing me to look at jumping ship.
Supposedly the newest ACT! versions fix these issues and offer support for MS Office 2007 (which should have been a free update for 2006 users).

My personal solution will be to look at purchasing ACT! 2008 (Version 10) as soon as the price drops to around $30 on eBay (which is how much ACT! 2006 is going for on that site now). If I can't wait, I may look at switching back over to GoldMine.

If you find a solution to the dialing problem, make sure you post on here for those of us experiencing the same issue!

Good Luck!

Last edited by HelloNNNewman on Sat May 17, 2008 7:51 am; edited 1 time in total
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Posted: Sat May 17, 2008 7:35 am    Post subject:

HelloNNNewman wrote:
Hi videocheez,

Unfortunately, since the time ACT! was purchased and supported by Sage, the support has gone to hell. The previous company used to offer software updates for issues like these, but Sage's answer is to try and convince you every 3-6 months that the newest version of software is 10 times better than what you just purchased - instead of offering software updates for products you purchased from them. Not a great philosophy - and is causing me to look at jumping ship.
Supposedly the newest ACT! versions fix these issues and offer support for MS Office 2007 (which should have been a free update for 2006 users).

My personal solution will be to look at purchasing ACT! 2008 (Version 10) as soon as the price drops to around $30 on eBay (which is how much ACT! 2006 is going for on that site now). If I can't wait, I may look at switching back over to GoldMine.

If you find a solution to the dialing problem, make sure you post on here for those of us experiencing the same issue!

Good Luck!

Thanks for your reply. I'm glad to hear that I'm not alone. ACT's customer service is poor and exemplifies that of a company who is definitely not in it for the "long haul".

I too may consider purchasing the latest version of ACT once the price drops. Upgrading ends up costing me lots of money and time. Although I'm not the IT guy in my office, I end up being the one who sets up ACT on everyones PC. I'll have to check out this Goldmine. I never heard of it. I recently downloaded and then purchased Agendus. So far I have not made a decision as to whether or not if it can do the job for me. It's priced better than ACT but I don't know if supports a database that can be used by multiple clients sync'ing to a server. Only time will tell. In the meanwhile I continue to search for a decent ACT replacement because Sage sucks.
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Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 4:21 pm    Post subject:

Just in case anybody cares. I found a roundabout way to utilize ACT 2006 with Centro. In Act I first sync with Outlook and then with Palm Outlook conduit I sync my Palm with Outlook. Some how this imports Outlooks information into Palm contacts and calendar, hence I'm able to utilize ACT with my Palm.
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